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A Sprite Situation
written and illustrated
by ELaura, a 14 year old
girl, ran home from school. That day she had gotten a B on her
report card. She had always gotten straight A’s, or A+. Laura was
afraid of how her mother would react to this terrible thing. Her mom
had always been very proud of her, and never wanted her little girl
to get anything lower. “If only my mom would forget me by the time I
get home,” muttered Laura. “Then she wouldn’t care, and I could live
my life.”
Slam! Laura ran past her mom, who was making a pot of stew. But,
her mom stopped her. “Laura, what’s the matter? Anyway, how was
“Mom, that’s just the thing that’s wrong,” Laura replied. “You
won’t want to know what happened.”
Laura tried to break away, but her mom grabbed her. “Honey, just
tell me what happened.”
“Okay, it’s kind of like I got a F,” said Laura.
“You…mean,” stammered her mom.
Laura stopped her mom. “It’s not quite that bad, I got a B for my
“Laura!” Laura’s mom regained herself and got angry. “Do realize
what B means? It means Brat, Bad, Bumpkin, Baby, and Birdbrain! I
have never had someone in this family with a B!”
Laura started to cry. “Mom, I told you that you wouldn’t want to
know!” She ran up to her bedroom and shut the door. “I’ll run away,”
she thought. “They don’t need me, now that I’m just a birdbrain!”
Laura pulled her duffel bag out of the closet. Grabbing her
favorite clothes and a few prized possessions, she climbed out of
her window. After reaching the ground by a trellis, she dashed away.
“I’ve got to go somewhere where no one knows me,” she thought.
Laura started off toward the side of town where none of the kids
dared to go, as they thought it was haunted. “Nobody will find me
there,” she thought. There was an ancient looking lot with many
rocks scattered around. Apparently no one had been there. “It’s just
an old lot,” Laura tried to reassure herself.
Laura heard a small cracking sound, and a shiver went up her
spine. “It must be the wind.”
Out of the brush appeared a little goblin. “I catch and eat all
those that come to this part,” his voice rasped.
Laura tried to scream, but an arm grabbed her mouth. “I’ll pick
the bones when he’s done,” giggled the creature that muffled her
Laura was frightened now. She wished she had never run away, and
had just taken her mother’s scolding. But it was too late now. She
broke away from the little troll, and started to run. The goblins
were close behind. Their short legs could move very quickly.
Laura found herself at a dead-end. She was at John’s Bridge, but
at the other side were some more of the little sprites. Laura had to
take her chances and jump into the raging river. Drowning would be
better than being eaten by the unnatural elves.
With a scream, Laura leaped off the bridge. The water got into
her nose. The miniature goblins snickered on the banks.
“This is the end,” Laura thought.
The swirling water rushed her toward…What? Laura was being pulled
under every moment trying to struggle out of the rushing water.
Finally, Laura’s hand brushed on a rock. She grabbed hold of it.
Laura’s hands grasped the… bed frame.
Laura was laying there in her bed, screaming. “It must have all
been a dream,” she thought. “A very bad dream.”
Laura went downstairs. “Mom are you still mad about my B?”
“I’m sorry for bursting out like that, but it’s going to be great
now,” said Laura’s mom. “I’ve hired a tutor, a nice small man.”
“Thanks Mom,” said Laura.
Ding Dong!
“That must be him,” said Laura. She opened the door. There,
standing in front of her was the troll!