More Grandpa Davey Speaks
A Path with a Heart Answers A Stop at Willoughby Can't Captue It Choices Corrections Crossing Texas Ewe To? Girls Golden Biscuits Invest in Yourself Killing Me Softly Leave it to Beaver Locke Machine Lost in the Grand Canyon Mind Over Temperature Mother of all Storms Mr. Wizard Mysterious Money No Sense at All Not Shadow People Poverty Point Queer Creatures Reckless Abandon Shadow People Squirt Gets Run Over Sub Prime Surrogates TEOTWAWKI The Cheapest Medicine The Golden Calf Ticket to Freedom Two Types of Girls Vaya Con Dios Wake Up! Where's the Beef? Worst Case Scenario
Recently, a young man
considering the path he will take into adulthood questioned me
concerning my occupational choices. Given the opportunity, would I
repeat them?
I replied that I have been most fortunate to work among good people
and have engaged in many endeavors that I would have been happy to
do without pay. This was like no answer at
What was presumably a yes or no inquiry has no communicable
response. The world I came from is quite
alien to the existence he
experiences. In my day, most gave no thought to career choices at
such an early age. We just went to school or got a job or both. A
job, any job, allowed one to support themselves, a wife, and to
start a family. As cream rises to the top, those that found where
they excelled prospered.
Unfortunately, in order to cut corners,
many of my generation put their wives out to work in order to get
more stuff. According to the laws of supply and demand, all these
people did was raise the cost of everything. Their greed bought them
nothing and created the world this young man now inherits.
Today, all young men and women should go to
college and get a good job in the health care industry. Instead
of steel, the driving force of today’s economy is illness. It is now
ones duty to contract some fatal but highly treatable disease to
boost the GNP.
Suppose you don’t want to be a nurse. There are plenty of fun
alternatives. Just think of what you would like to get up and do
every weekday for the next forty years. Picture getting up early,
going to McDonalds for a Happy Breakfast, dropping the kids off at
daycare and continuing on to your fun filled career. Opportunities
abound! Choose carefully because you will be old before it’s over.
I once counseled a son of mine, never think in terms of jobs, but be
the best at anything and the world will be your oyster.
I think that my experience has little relevance to that curious
teenager. To all in his position, I must once again advise: Always
follow the path with a heart.